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1478 mots 6 pages
Vocabulaire : Anglais Examen de Noël 2014

Four disasters ;


the lift  l’ascenseur the roof  le toit to rescue  sauver stair  escalier earthquake  tremblement de terre volcanic eruption  éruption volcanique fire  incendie plane crash  accident d’avion to collapse  s’écrouler skyscraper  gras de ciel to shout/scream  crier to hurry  se précipiter thick  épais to manage  arriver à, se débrouiller drowing  se noyer the fire-alarm  l’avertisseur d’incendie to rush  se précipiter outside  dehors out of use  inutilisable died  tué storm  tempête

Phrases :

I was working at school when we heard the fire-alarm.
J’étais en train de travailler à l’école lorsque nous avons entendu l’avertisseur d’incendie.

I wanted to rush outside but the stairs were out of use.
Je voulais me précipiter dehors mais les escaliers étaient inutilisables.

Yesterday, ther was a plane crash ; six people were rescued and three were died.
Hier, il y a eu un accident d’avion; 6 personnes ont été sauvées et trois tuées.


the lava  la lave the volcano  le volcan the harbour  le port hit  atteint ships  bateaux to give/hit  attraper/atteindre to rest  retenir the moise  le bruit the disaster  le désastre happened  survenu the field  le champs the farmer  le fermier fearful  avoir peur the ceiling  le plafond the engine  le moteur the shake  le mélange the knif  le couteau the plate  l’assiette the forl  la fourchette the spoon  la cuillère

Hi! I'm Bill Daniels. I live in Chicago. I was working in my office on the 28th floor of a skyscraper. I was dictating some letters to my secretary when the fire-bell rang. I rushed out to the lift but it wasn't working. The stairs were full of thick smoke. We couldn't go down, so we had to go up to the roof. When we got there some people were waiting calmly. Others were shouting and screaming wildly. A helicopter managed to land on the roof and

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