Presentation cross cultural communication: brazil

1093 mots 5 pages
Cross Cultural Management



I / Brazilian society and culture

II / Working in Brazil

III / To summarize: What to do and what to don’t!

IV / Dialogue

I / Brazilian society and culture

Brazilian diversity Brazil is a mixture of races and ethnicities, resulting in riche diversity

Brazilian Family Values The family is the foundation of the social structure and forms the basis of stability for most people Families tend to be large (although family size has been diminishing in recent years) and the extended family is quite close The individual derives a social network and assistance in times of need from the family

Brazilian Class System Despite, the mixing of ethnicities, there is a class system in Brazil. Class is determined by economic status and skin color There is a greatest disparity in wage differentials and therefore lifestyle and social aspirations among the different classes Although women make up 40% of the Brazilian workforce they are typically found in lower paid jobs such as teaching, administrative support, and nursing.

II / Working in Brazil

Working practices in Brazil

In most Brazilian cities, working hours are 8:30 am to 5.00pm with an hour or two in the middle for lunch. Businesses are usually open from 9:00am to 7:00pm Monday-Friday and 9:00-1:00pm on Saturday. Larger businesses and most in Sao Paulo may be open longer hours. It is important to schedule business appointments at least two to three weeks in advance and confirm them once you have arrived in Brazil. Also try to leave a few hours in between them should they go on longer than anticipated. In Sao Paulo and Brasilia it is important

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