Tired of dream

3051 mots 13 pages
Tired of Dreaming – Broad Ways Term. pp. 68-71
Illustration: Bono from rock group U2, in Africa on a four-country tour that took him to Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Ethiopia.
A black man and a white man are shaking hands. The scene must take place in Africa. The white man with the blue shades / sunglasses is Bono, lead singer of the famous Irish band U2.
Read the whole text without stopping at unknown words and give each paragraph a short title.
§1 " Bono : a worldwide symbol of rock-’n’-roll activism
§2 " Bono’s first involvement in Africa
§3 " a pragmatic activist
§4 " music & politics

1. Correction fiche de C°E - Understanding the text
Paragraph 1
1. Quote four expressions used to qualify Bono.
a. “... a shrewd, dedicated political advocate...” (l.4) c. “... a worldwide symbol of rock-’n’-roll activism” (l.7)
b. “... the most secular of saints...” (l.6) d. “Part poet, part pol...” (l.8)
2. Use the context to deduce the meaning of the following words.
a. shrewd (l.4): R rusé £ innocent £ habile £ insensible £ perspicace £ vulnérable
b. pol (l.8)is the contraction of : £ policy maker £ polyvalent £ policeman R politician
c. agenda (l.11):£ agenda R programme £ carnet de bord £ journal £ courrier
3. Explain Bono’s aim in your own words. (50 words)
Bono is dedicated to the cause of Africa, to “solving the financial and health crisis in Africa” (l.9) He tries to sensitize the world’s most powerful politicians to Africa’s plight. He’d like them to become concerned by the African crisis and to study solutions to the problem. (46 words)
Paragraph 2
4. Find the equivalents of the following words (in this context and in the right order).
a. engagement : involvement (l.13) d. partie (d’un concert) : set (l.17)
b. manière : fashion (l.14) e. orphelinat : orphanage (l.19)
c. secours : relief (l.16) f. brume : mist (l.19)
5. The first sentence (l.14) means that Bono: was £ wasn’t R deeply concerned by Africa’s problems at first.
6. What was

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