
341 mots 2 pages
More important humanitarian organization in the world, the Red Cross regroups 97 million men and women. .La French Red Cross, it is at the same time an association of 50.000 volunteers hired for more than 140 years on numerous fronts of the conflict against precariousness and a nonprofitable firm of services in the health, social, .médico-social and of training with 16 000 wage earners in more than 600 establishments, Created by Henry Dunant, during the battle of Solférino, the Red Cross is obvious from its origin as an international movement of help and assistance to the victims. The international and permanent Committee of assistance to the military injured men (future International Committee of the Red Crucifix), is founded in 1863 around the ideas of Dunant. It reaches in some months to unite 16 States within a diplomatic conference,
Every 4 years, the international conference of the Red Cross unites CICR, the Societies of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, the International Confederation and all the States signatories of Conventions of Geneva to bring some change in Humanitarian International law and help in victim conflicts, natural and technological disasters.
The Red Cross, by its constant action in favour of the victims, and the broadcasting of its ethics of tolerance and dialogue contributes to the prevention of conflicts and tensions. Every year, the French Red Cross helps 1 million persons in situation of precariousness in France and participle in 240 plans in 35 countries in the international.
The French Red Cross, 5 fundamental jobs Emergency and first aid, Social welfare, Training, Health, international Action he French Red Cross is an independent association which acts beside authorities.
Association law 1901, her is acknowledged to be of public utility since 1945. His mission of assistant helper of authorities: Bring his help in all public comit to authorities in missions of assistance during situations of exceptions

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