Us education

1378 mots 6 pages
US Education: The hot potato. In 1785, Thomas Jefferson wrote: "What are the objects of an useful American education? Classical knowledge, modern languages and chiefly French, Spanish, and Italian; Mathematics, Natural philosophy, Natural history, Civil history, and Ethics. In Natural philosophy, I mean to include Chemistry and Agriculture, and in Natural history, to include Botany, as well as the other branches of those departments." Thomas Jefferson had faith in a strong and rich education for American citizens but the last 60 years demonstrated a very different academic perspective. After the President Truman's Commission Higher Education for Democracy in 1947, the United States of America have conduct marking educational reforms. During the Eisenhower administrations, improving the educational system became a major concern as the Soviet Union's school system was able to produce outstanding engineers and scientists. The year following the lunch of Sputnik I on October 4, 1957, President Eisenhower signed the National Defense Education Act into law (1958). This law targeted higher education and provided loans to students, financial Assistance to reinforce science, mathematics, and foreign languages. Testing in the law was a tool to identify talented students who excelled in these fields. Later in 1965, President Johnson's signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (inspired draft of President Kennedy administration). This law was a part of President Johnson's “war on poverty” legislative plan. Decreasing the poverty level in the USA (20% of the population) was the global objective of Johnson's plan. Education was designed as one the main means to reach this objective. The funds focuses on reading and arithmetic programs “that would supposedly provide equality of educational opportunity for students from law-income families”, Spring, J. Extract from: American Education. For the first time, the federal government embraced a role in elementary and secondary

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