Wine industry in china

2478 mots 10 pages
Year 2010


I. Introduction p1

II. Literature review p2

III. Methodology p3

IV. Plan:

A) Market description p4
B) Competitive environment p5
C) Distrbution p7
D) Regulatory overviews p8

Conclusion p10


I chose this subject because wine industry is dramatically increasing in China. In fact, China appears as an actor to consider in the years to come. With a growth of the consumption of about 40 % between 2005 and 2010 (against less than 20 % between 2001 and 2005), the request should explode and to place China in the most consumer 10 countries.

I have not especially for ambition to work in the industry of wine or spirits, however, this is a sector which interest me a lot. I'm a passionate of wine. And I consider that this Chinese craze concerning these kind of products is very interesting to study. Several aspects will be observed: sociological and economical evolution, market opportunities, ...

It is a market which attracts lot of attention. So, I think I can access to some information about this subject. Articles, official report or the other information on internet can help me to formulate a relevant description of the market.

This report will be the opportunity for me to quench my curiosity on the sector. I can make some searches on a subject which interests me.

After China’s entrance in the WTO, the import tariff was reduced gradually. and it is thought that import wine would flood in China's market. Most people believe that domestic wine company would face high pressure by the import wine with lower price. However, it was not true, only the variety of import wine was increased in the China’s wine market.

This dynamic environment coupled with the increase in the population’s wealth and education should benefit the wine sector.

Moreover the recession had a bad effect on the wine industry in the old world. A lot o consumers have to

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