
1787 mots 8 pages
Matière : Devoir n° : AN01 01

Epreuve de recette du : 21/04/10

statut: 00

1. Compétence linguistique (14 points)
1. Texte à compléter (14*0,25 = 3, 5 points)
She went to New York for the first time 1890. In those days, air travel didn’t exist. It took three weeks to sail from France to America by boat. When she left home, she felt very excited. Imagine! she was going abroad on her own. For the occasion, she wore / was wearing her best clothes. Her parents came to Le Havre to say goodbye. All around her people were kissing and hugging. When the boat sailed off, she could see that her mother was crying and her father shouting last minute recommendations.

2. Phrases traduites en français (3 points)
1. Quand Dally a émigré / émigra à Los Angelès, il y a six ans, elle pouvait à peine comprendre l’anglais. 2. C’était en 1880 et il partait pour l’aventure ; en montant à bord, il la remarqua. 3. Elle avait une longue robe blanche et portait une grande valise.

3. Phrases traduites en anglais (4,5 points)
1. As I was stepping off the ship, I saw my uncle who was waiting for me. 2. It was in 1967 that my grandfather landed in France. 3. He often told me that he missed his country’s sun.

4. Forme passive (3 points)
1. At Ellis Island, people were treated like cattle. 2. They were examined to find out if they had any contagious diseases. 3. Hispanic immigrants are said to bring a new vitality.

2. Compréhension de texte (36 points)
Pour les inscrits en séries L, ES, S (LV1) et L, S (LV2) préparant l’écrit au baccalauréat.

a) The immigrants before
1. The immigrants built New York. I can quote: “New York’s debt to immigrants has become almost a cliché.” (line 1) and “They literally and figuratively built New York“(line 3). (3 points) 2. Immigrants came to New York for economic, political and religious reasons. They were “fleeing poverty, famine, war and persecution overseas.” (line 2). (4 points) 3. They settled in the

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