Amnesty international

6122 mots 25 pages
Purchasing for institutions

NG 441 E

Table of contents
Introduction………………………………………………………3 Presentation of our organization…………………………….4 Amnesty International’s macro changes And internal consequences…………………………………..5 Amnesty International “shopping list” and challenges………………………………………………..…9 The importance of e-activity for Amnesty International………………………………………..12 Competitive tendering and general sales conditions………………………………………………16 Quality, kaizen & role of buyers……………………………19 Others activities of buyers (Advising organizations managers)………………………20 Future recommendations for Amnesty international……………………………………….21

Purchasing for institutions

NG 441 E


To perform this report about purchasing for institutions, we have chosen to study the case of the Non Governmental Organization, Amnesty International. This case seems to be interesting because most items bought by Amnesty International differ from items bought by other NGOs such as Médecins sans frontières… Indeed, Amnesty International doesn’t buy a lot of tangible goods but it buys especially services or “people”. So, our report will be divided in nine sections, each section explaining some aspects of the Amnesty International’s purchasing process and trying to answer to these questions: which products does Amnesty International buy? How is organized its purchasing process? Which advice can be done to improve this process? The will begin this report by a quick presentation of Amnesty International, its goals, its structure… The second and third parts will explain the macro changes affecting internal Amnesty International structure. Then, we will see the Amnesty International’s “shopping list” by using the Kraljic model and which items represent challenges for the institution. We will present the sales conditions and how Amnesty International uses competitive tendering in the fourth section. The importance of quality and the role of buyers will also be explained such as the other

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