Cas durex

312 mots 2 pages

1) presentation of the country 2) results of the survey - age when first received sex education 13.3 / +16 / 13.2 - age formal sex education should start 11 / +13.9 / 11.7 - age of 1st sex 17.5 / +19.8 / 17.3 - number of sexual partner 12.5 / +14.5 / 9 - unprotected sex 64 / +73 / 47 - areas which need greater public awareness HIV/AIDS - government should invest in : sex education in schools - need money to support sex education - the best way is teaching materials for schools - encouraging to practice safer sex - open minded about the sex life - one night stand 64 / +70 - frequency of sex 109 / +138 / 103 3) facts 4) marketing startegy 5) advertising
3) The spread of AIDS (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) is an alarming problem in South Africa with up to 31% of pregnant women found to be HIV infected in 2005 and the infection rate among adults estimated at 20%. The link between HIV, a virus spread primarily by sexual contact, and AIDS was long denied.
AIDS affects mainly those who are sexually active and is far more prevalent in the black population. Most deaths are people who are also economically active, resulting in many families losing their primary wage earners. This has resulted in many 'AIDS orphans' who in many cases depend on the state for care and financial support. It is estimated that there are 1,200,000 orphans in South Africa. Many elderly people also lose the support from lost younger members of their family. Roughly 5 million people are infected with the disease. ⇨ advertising: ⇨ ⇨ (pad durex mais TRUST) ⇨

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