Criteres de selection de proj

2887 mots 12 pages
Project Selection Criteria

What is a process improvement project?

❑ First it has to relate to a process. But what do we me mean by process? • A Process Is A collection of repeatable activities that takes one or more inputs and transforms them into outputs that are of value to the customer. • An existing Process which is frequently/regularly used • Non broken process are required for improvement to ensure we will be able to monitor facts which will be the basis of any potential analysis or improvement ❑ Required Improvement is identified as our customer (internal/external) told us about deficient processes • You have ideas that the process is not performing well enough • You need to be able to define a selection of performance characteristics critical in meeting the customer’s expectations. ❑ Short term project • Duration: Each project is 3-6 months long. Results are delivered at the end of each project. • Size of the process reviewed has to be small enough to achieve fast results • Cross functional team are key for project success as AW champions support with their knowledge on methodology but operational team bring their business knowledge for process understanding and improvement solution finding • XX systemic method targets sizeable projects allowing fast results.

Why Select Projects?

Selecting the right project can have a tremendous effect on your business. If done properly, processes will function more efficiently in 3 to 6 months, employees will feel satisfied and appreciated for making business improvements and ultimately customers and stakeholders will see the benefit. If project selection is done improperly, a project may be selected that doesn't have the full business buy-in, project roadblocks may not be removed due to other business priorities, the team may feel ineffective and the end result may be less than ideal.

No one wins in this situation, especially the XX and ZZ who may look to

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