Dissertation anglais

387 mots 2 pages
The scene take place to the Royal Albert Hall. Jo comes here to find the kidnapper of its son. It enters the room which attends a representation of a philharmonic orchestra. In this room a minister will be assassinated.

Jo sees the assassin in the platforms, she looks at 00. It starts to panic. When the assassin takes his binoculars to observe the room, it started to cry. It surely reconsiders so that the assassin said to him: '' You have a very nice son and its survival depends on your behavior this evening ''. Joe thus does not have the choice, it should not warn the minister if not the life of his/her son will be finishes. When the man left to hide in the black, the husband of Joe arrived and saw Joe in full anguish. It explained all to him and it also put him to panic. It run to seek the assassin. While waiting for Joe started to cry. The husbands were thus taken of anguish, fear, panic during this scene. The husband took on is-even while Jo did not know to contain its emotions.

7) Hitchcock installs suspense in this scene in the first time thanks to the orchestra which accompanies the action by the scene, a man goes entrechoquer his symbales at the time when the assassin intends to draw. When Jo does not cry, the rate/rhythm is weaker, while it increases when it panics. Then, Hitchcock makes large plans on the gangster to show his importance in the scene, to show that it is him which orders all. It also approximately shows plane the face saddened of Jo impotent in front of this scene. When the husband learns all on unfolding from the murder, it runs to seek the man who will do it. But the watchmen prevent the passage to him, Hitchcock then wants to prepare us with a possible fall. Then, when the assassin puts himself in the shade, one sees any more that his weapon to exceed, nobody does not notice it, with share to be Jo little. It panics, nobody do not hear it, as if it were alone in its sadness. There is pity for it, and it is not known if it will do

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