
296 mots 2 pages
Model 1: "hub-and-spoke": reducing operating costs through automation and regional hubs
Bank of America is moving to a "regional hub" model * BoA a fermé 300+ agencies aux US (~8%) * Conversion en 2011 de certaines agences en « speciality stores » où des experts peuvent conseiller les clients sur tous les aspects de la banque * Ouverture en 2013-2014 d’une douzaine de Flagship (« that will offer customers more space, more specialized bankers and ­financial advisers, and the latest gadgets” + BP & Merrill Lynch,

Model 2: concept branches: laboratories for testing new designs and technology
Commonwealth Bank has recently opened a high-tech flagship branch in Brisbane * Nouvelle agence flagship (kiosques, ecrans tactiles, ipad etc.. bornes de FX, de dépôt, conseillers spécialisés, barista professionnel) * Possibilité de reserver un rdv, une place pour un séminaire sur le site
BNP Paribas has used its concept branch in Paris to distinguish itself from its competitors * Cf. Opéra 2
Barclays : * Autres flagships: * Cardiff ( * Rémunérations liées à la satisfaction client (

Concept branches fulfill the same role for banks as concept cars do for automobile manufacturers

Model 3: recreational branches: reinforcing brand values and improving reputation
ING Direct is using cafes to build its brand and provide reassurance * Cf. ING case study
Virgin Money is creating a series of "lounges" to help raise its profile * Thé, café, boissons et snacks offerts, espace pour enfants, toilettes, vestiaires * Wifi, ipads, … * Endroit reservable pour des évènements de quartier * A terme, 5 lounges au UK

Building outlets to sell the

en relation

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