Eglais lit

270 mots 2 pages
If you've read/watched the play, and understand the question, you probably don't need us to tell you that Hamlet wants vengeance against Claudius for killing his father and King, usurping the throne, marrying his mother (with all that that enails!), and, towards the end, for getting elected King when Hamlet wanted to be; Laertes wants vengeance against Hamlet for killing his father, Polonius, and for being (as Laertes sees it) responsible for his sister Ophelia's madness and death.
Revenge plays a critical role in Shakespeare’s Hamlet Hamlet and Lartes both seek revenge on each other for their father’s deaths. Hamlet blames Lartes because he was the King partner in crime against his father’s reign as king. Lartes know Hamlet killed his father with no real motive for doing so just out of anger. Lartes is also angry at Hamlet because of his relationship with his sister. Both Hamlet and Lartes are surrounded by much dramtic action in the play causing hard feelings and resentment of each other. Lartes exibits much hostile behavior to Hamlet some of witch Hamlet mirrors. Hamlet and Lartes both seek revenge against each other for various things in the play. In Shakesphere’s Hamlet, Lartes seeks revenge on Hamlet. The element of revenge is seen in Lartes speech often throughout the play. “How came he dead? I’ll not be juggled with. To hell allegiance, vows to the blackest devil, Conscience and grace to the profoundest pit! I dare damnation. To this point I stand, That both the words I give to negligence, Let come

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