Epr, energie nucleaire en france

1475 mots 6 pages
Nelson 6
Environmental science

Reaserch proposal,

With the growing needs of the modern world in energy a lot of questions can be asked as to how it should be produced. In the 1970’s France made a decision to heavily rely on nuclear energy for its needs. It is now the country in the world that uses the most nuclear energy. This type of production remains a very controversial subject and a hot topic. Many oppose it and address its major flaws. This paper will try to assess the pros and cons of nuclear energy, taking for basis of study France, its history with nuclear power plants, what can be learned from it and the questions behind construction of the EPR, a third generation generator. This study will in major part use sources from the internet, although if found sources from other types of media will be used. My objective is to conduct a non biased study, taken into account all possible opinions, pros and cons of nuclear energy. Biased sources such as Greenpeace will be avoided. Independent and factual sources will be proposed. After the explosion of Chernobyl in 1986 serious issues concerning nuclear energy have been raised. Nuclear energy production can be viewed as being dangerous, having a detrimental effect on the environment through waste production, as well as being non cost-effective. On the other hand some view nuclear energy as the solution to energy needs. It can be viewed as acting to reduce CO2 emissions, as being very cost-effective and providing a reliable and stable source of energy. Other types of energy production methods might also be looked into and put in comparison. I plan to use a word processor for this study, or possibly PowerPoint.

Nuclear energy for the future?
Study based on energy prodruction in France.
“In 2007 French electricity generation was 570 billion kWh gross, and consumption was about 447 billion kWh - 6800 kWh per person. Over the last decade France has exported 60-80 billion kWh net each year

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