Etude de l'oréal en anglais

529 mots 3 pages

We are going to introduce you the most famous French cosmetics brand which is l’Oréal.
We have chosen that brand because we are young girls, and like almost all the girls of the same age, we have used, we have been using or we are going to use l’Oréal products once in our lives.
Indeed, that brand offers a plenty of products in several areas that is why it is very attractive.

I) Few things about l’Oréal story

L’Oréal has been created by Eugène Schueller, a French chemist on the 30th of July 1909 in Paris.
Eugène Schueller comes from Paris where he was born, in his parents ‘bakeries in 1881.
He has been graduated by the national school of chemistry in 1904, and decided few times later to create his own factory with only 800 francs, almost equal to 122€ or 166$.
He built a factory named at the beginning L’Aureale (with an “A” and a “U”), specializing in hair dyes for women.
Then, he changed the name L’Aureale, in “l’Oréal” (with an “O”), and as soon as l’Oréal began to work, he decided to sell his products to the foreign countries, that is to say in 1912 in Brazil, Argentina, the United-States and closed European countries.
In 1928, Schueller bought the French brand “Monsavon”, specialized in body soap. This purchase represents the entrance of l’Oréal in the FMCG (FMCG which means Fast Moving Consumers Goods). Since that time, Monsavon has been sold to the huge society of Procter & Gamble which have Pampers, Gillette, etc …
In 1934, Schueller creates and sells Dop products, which are the first shampoo made for the whole family.
The marketing strategy seems totally different because of the choice of colors and the public aimed compared to l’Oréal one.
Then, l’Oréal has been developing in several areas like the hair care, the skin care, the perfume, the makeup and obviously the coloring.
From now, l’Oréal is the world leadership on the whole cosmetic market.
That factory is managed since 2005 by

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