Exposé d anglais

1311 mots 6 pages

There is so much to know and find out about Morocco. Whether travelling or simply wishing to know more.

Ancient morocco
Ever wonder exactly who the original inhabitants of Morocco were or how their governmental system developed? Perhaps you may have wondered why there is such a strong French and Spanish influence on the country.
The original people of Morocco were the Berbers. These people lived in tribes and there was no actual recognised government over the area. Tribal Berbers lived according to the rules of their Tribal Leaders.
The country of Morocco was constantly invaded during the early stages of the country's development. First it was the Phoenicians in the twelfth century BC. The Phoenicians were then taken over by the Carthaginians. Then in the 2nd century BC, the Romans replaced the Carthaginians. Over time the Roman Empire fell apart and the Arabs took over and settled in. Short but intense fights for control of the country between the Arabs and the Jews left it reeling and largely unstable. Ahmed I al-Man-sur however, managed to bring the country right during his dynasty. Between 1579 and 1603 the country flourished as Jews and Moors from Spain settled in Morocco. They brought with them their cultures and arts and retrospectively gave Morocco much of its cultural founding that is still present today.
The fighting between the Spanish and Portuguese since the early 15th century left the Portuguese in control of the Port of Ceuta in 1415. In 1578 however, the Moroccans beat the Portuguese and regained control of that port, and by 1700 almost all of coastal towns that were under Portugal's rule. In 1904 Morocco was divided between France and Spain. France received the larger portion. Germany wanted in too so in 1911 a German gunboat was sent to the French owned coastline of Morocco. War was averted though, when the French made an agreement with Germany whereby the French would keep control of Morocco, whilst they allowed the Germans

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