
1596 mots 7 pages


Biology Standard level PaPer 1 Monday 17 May 2010 (afternoon) 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES
• Do not open this examination paper until instructed to do so. • Answer all the questions. • For each question, choose the answer you consider to be the best and indicate your choice on

the answer sheet provided.


15 pages © International Baccalaureate Organization 2010

– 2 – 1. What does a small standard deviation signify? A. B. C. D. The data is not correlated. The data is widely spread around the mean.


The data shows a close relationship between two variables. The data is clustered closely to the mean value.


In a cell, what is the effect of a large surface area to volume ratio? A. B. C. D. Slower rate of exchange of waste materials Faster heat loss Faster rate of mitosis Slower intake of food


How can cells in a multicellular organism differentiate? A. B. C. D. They express some of their genes but not others. They all have a different genetic composition. Different cells contain a different set of chromosomes. Different cells do not have some of the genes.


– 3 – 4. The diagram below shows a bacterium.



What structure does the part labelled X identify? A. B. C. D. Nucleus Nucleoid Nucleolus Nuclear membrane


What do prokaryotic cells have that eukaryotic cells do not? A. B. C. D. Mitochondria 70S ribosomes Histones Internal membranes


Turn over

– 4 – 6. What happens during the G2 stage of interphase? A. B. C. D. Homologous chromosomes pair Synthesis of proteins Homologous chromosomes separate Replication of DNA



What is a role of sulfur in living organisms? A. B. C. D. Formation of proteins Formation of carbohydrates Formation of

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