La croissance

270 mots 2 pages
Dream for my father Barack_ OBAMA _ Intro an excerpt from Barack Obama's autobiography entitled "Dreams from my Father" was published in 2004 This passage raises the issue of race relations and the poor economic situation in Kenya after independence the scene is set in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. two main characters: Barack Obama, who is the narrator of the story, and Auma, his stepsister, who lives in Kenya. The scene first takes place in the outdoor cafe of a big hotel, where Auma and Barack want to have lunch. As they are waiting for the waiters to come and take their orders, an American family comes and sits down a few r^ tables away from them. The waiters are very quick to attend to the Americans, while Auma and Barack have to keep waiting, feeling like they are never going to be served. Auma is getting more furious with every minute that passes because she can tell that the waiters care more about serving white tourists than black locals like her. In the end, she decides to leave the restaurant. On her way out, she tells one of the waiters that he should be ashamed of treating his own people this way and throws a banknote down to the ground to show him that she has money too and can pay for her food. Outside, she discusses what has just happened with Barack. Plan : an interesting reflection on the complexity of race relations in Kenya What it means to be reach in a poor country an interesting reflection on the complexity of race relations in Kenya

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