La segregation uax etats unis apres la guerre civile

5102 mots 21 pages
The history of racial segregation after the Civil war

(Before the case Brown v. Board of Education)

The racial segregation was always a big question in the history of human rights in United States. Before the civil war, slavery was popular in the southern states; blacks were just as property of the white owners. But there were no more slaves after the civil war (1865), millions of formerly enslaved African Americans hoped to join the larger society as full and equal citizens as whites, and there was an active demand for protecting the rights of these newly free slaves. But most of white Americans spread racial divisions because of their racism concepts, self-interest, etc. Thus the conception of segregation was formulated. At the first of 20th century, many whites believed that the presence of blacks in a white neighborhood would bring down their communities’ value, that’s why they excluded the blacks using the same public places with them. After the war, Southern state legislatures, which were dominated by ex-Confederates, passed unequal laws that severely limited the rights of blacks, and these laws successfully, but unjustly, prevented the newly freed slaves from improving their status in society. By 1900, new laws and old customs in the North and the South had created a segregated society in fact that condemned black Americans to second-class citizenship. Blacks in the South faced segregation or outright exclusion from schools, hotels, and other public places.

I) 1st period:
The 13、14、15 Amendments of reconstruction amendments and the Civil Rights Act (1875)

The Thirteenth Amendment (Amendment XIII) (1865)
This amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. It said that the term "slavery" implied involuntary servitude or a situation of bondage and the ownership of human beings as property, and also the control of the labor and services of one person for the benefit of another.
But this amendment was not enough to

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