Libertarian & constitution parties in the us

809 mots 4 pages
Libertarian & Constitution Parties in the US Two major parties exist in the US : The Democratic party (DNC) with its leaders Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and The Republican party (RNC) with its leaders Georges Bush (actual president and John McCain). But many parties still exist and they are called « the Third parties » (= « les partis tiers ») including the « big three third parties » :

. The Constitution Party
. The Libertarian Party
. The Green Party

and the « Larger Third parties » including 10 other small parties.

I am going to talk about the the Libertarian Party and about the Constitution Party.

1. The Libertarian Party : It was founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party is the biggest of the « third parties » with 600 elected members.
The Party tells he is « a grassroots political organisation » (= un parti politique issu du peuple).

The ideology is the same as that of Americas' founders : « a world where individuals are free to follow their own dream with their own ways, a world of peace, harmony, opportunity and abundance ».

- The Libertarian party is based on a principal of self ownership. Each individual has the right to control his own body, action, speech and property.

- Each individual is unique. The party wants a system which would respect the individual and encourage him to discover the best within himself and develop his full potential. Being free and independant is a great way to live. People must choose what they want from life. Government's only role is to help individuals to defend themselves from force and fraud. The party is favourable to drugs decriminalization

The party encourages the free-trade (= libre échange)and the free market (= économie de marché ) He wants to cut income taxes and to reduce other taxes

The US will not intervene with the army in the affairs of other countries. The party will have a peace politic.


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