linguistique contrastive et les interférences

1739 mots 7 pages
Projet de recherche.
Les notions de « bon/bien », « mieux/meilleur » et « mauvais/mal/pire » dans l’apprentissage du français par les anglophones de niveau avancé.
The project deals with the notions of “bon/bien”, “mieux/meilleur” and “mauvais/mal/pire”, taught to
Anglophone students learning French. These terms seem hard to use because of the difference between French and English. In English, there is a clear distinction between “good” and “well”. “Good” is an adjective and
“well”, an adverb. However, in French “bien” is not only an adverb; it can be an adjective, which is why
Anglophones have some trouble using these words perfectly. First, the theoretical aspect will be studied. The aim is to look for clear rules and specific problems that are encountered by Anglophones. The website of
Southampton University will be, inter alia, used for its database. Next, the practical aspect will be developed.
The rules, defined by the research, will be taught. It will be done in two segments. First, a sample of
Anglophones will be tested and then, when the rules will be defined by different ways and methods to see which method is the best to teach rules about the difficulty in the choice of “bon/bien”, “mieux/meilleur” and
“mauvais/mal/pire”, the Anglophones will be tested again to determine whether the assimilation is successful and if this is not the case, a study will be carried out to understand why. This work will clearly show the grammar rules with which Anglophones have some trouble and help them to acquire better French language skills. Les anglophones apprenant le français rencontrent souvent des difficultés à maîtriser parfaitement les notions « bon/bien », « mieux/meilleur » et « mauvais/mal/pire ». Il en ressort un besoin réel de comprendre l’utilisation de ces termes.
Le site lepointdufle met en évidence une règle pour les mots « bon » et « bien » et des exercices. Ce site est fait par des professeurs de français langue étrangère et est

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