Marketing gay

9071 mots 37 pages
Name: Sarah Donche Student Number: 1460263
HBBSO3F Bachelor of Business Studies, Year 3
Course: Business Project | Business Project | The Gay Community : A New Marketing Target | | | 12/03/2010 |

Staff : Jacklyn Tully |

Table of Contents Acknowledgements 4 Abstract 5 Introduction 6 Chapter 1: Literature Review 10 1.1 Introduction 10 1.2 The evolution of the integration of the gay community through the lasts centuries 11 1.3 The gay culture: the purchase attitude of the gay community 11 1.4 Definition of the gay marketing and its evolution 12 1.5 Advantages of a gay marketing 13 1.6 Disadvantages of a gay marketing 14 1.7 The marketing strategy toward the gay community 15 1.8 The gay advertising face to the general public 15 1.9 The compromise: the advertising in the gay’s Medias 16 1.10 Conclusion 17 Chapter 2: Research Methodology 18 2.1: Problem definition 18 2.2: Research Objectives and Hypothesis 18 2.3: Research Design Strategy 19 2.4: Data Collection Methods 20 2.5: Sampling 22 2.6: Fieldwork 24 Chapter 3: Data Analysis: Findings & Analysis 26 Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendations 35 4.1: Conclusion 35 4.2 Recommendations 38 Appendices 39 Bibliography 44

List of figures
Figure 1: In which social category are you? ...........................................................................26

Figure 2: What is your budget for your outdoor activities per month? ..................................27

Figure 3: What kind of products you would buy? What is your budget per month for these products? …………………………………………………………………………………... 28

Figure 4: What is the most important for you when you perform a purchase? ……………30
Figure 5: What is relevant for you when you perform a purchase? ………………………...31
Figure 6: The appearance of this bottle will make you buy this product? ………………….32
Figure 7: Do you feel represented by some brands? ………………………………………..33



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