Mobile workflows

43381 mots 174 pages
To My beloved family … To my true friends …


Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor Professor Mohammed Mostefai for providing me with supervision, motivation and encouragement throughout the course of my work. Without his

care, and friendship, I would not be able to complete this work. In particular I would to express to him my gratitude for his active and constructive

participation in this thesis.

I would like to thank Professor Benouattass Nourredine from department of physics for his invaluable and precious help in this work.

I would to thank also all my family members for their help, support and encouragement.


This doctoral thesis is part of the research activities of the Laboratory of Automatic of Sétif (L.A.S). It treats specification and verification of production systems in general and mobile enterprises in particular. The major contribution of this thesis appears in the study of the integration of mobility in the enterprises. Indeed, an architecture for mobile enterprises is proposed and comprises a Web-Services layer and a multi-agents layer combining static agents and mobile agents. This contribution is organized in two phases: the first phase concerns the modelling of workflow based enterprises. The model is validated analytically by a performance analysis. The second phase consists to explore and exploit some formal tools for the specification of the mobile enterprises: Two formalisms are retained the REACTNets for the Web-Services layer and MAUDE for the

behaviour of the mobile agents.


Le travail de cette thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre des activités de recherche du Laboratoire d’Automatique de l’Université de Sétif (L.A.S). Il traite de la spécification et de la vérification des systèmes de production "entreprises" en général et des entreprises mobiles en particulier. La contribution majeure de cette thèse apparaît dans l’étude de l’intégration de la mobilité dans les entreprises.

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