Nelson mandela

910 mots 4 pages
Nelson Mandela Nelson Mandela and Apartheid Mandela's orders and decorations Invictus

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid

*Nelson Mandela was a dominant figure in the South African liberation movement, burning his pass as a peaceful protest.
The twentieth century in South Africa can't be retrospectively looked at with pride, because of the practice of apartheid.
Apartheid had similarities to segregation in the American South, but was much worse.
Black weren't able to vote and separation from the whites in public businesses,
They represented seventy percent of the population, and were forced to live in a small area of the country.
They couldn't leave without a “pass,” which very few people had and were very hard to get. Also, apartheid laws were explicitly stated laws.

Nelson Mandela rose up as leader of the African National Congress and major speaker against Apartheid, becoming the voice of the movement to end apartheid.
*The use of passes came into effect when Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd developed the policy of separate development, in which the nine African groups that lived in South Africa were moved from the urban areas into the country areas.
*If the Africans wanted to travel anywhere, or work, they needed a pass showing that they were allowed out of their designated section.
*If they were found without their passes, or traveling outside of the regulated boundaries, they were arrested and put in jail for a minimum of 30 days.

*Nelson Mandela’s contribution and dedication to South Africa’s struggle in achieving freedom and equal rights for every South African led to his popularity and respect in South Africa.
*In the 1950’s, Mandela began working on ending the apartheid.
*In 1964, he was arrested and imprisoned for trying to overthrow the government, but continued his fight even from his prison cell.
*After his release in 1990, Mandela traveled throughout the world trying to earn money to support the

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