tableau_synoptique_ _heroes_and_icons_eoc

3019 mots 13 pages
Secondes A2 B1 B1+( section euro!)
Séquence 1 : HEROES and ICONS/ My hero Project
Dominante :EO
Problématique :A lot of people have heroes? Do you have one? Do we need heroes? why?
En bleu, les séances à traiter pour réaliser la tâche finale
Premier contact avec le thème
Warming up : What is a hero for you?
(definition : a hero/o model/an icon/a myth) Supports
- a mindmap ( PJ 1 )
( à compléter avec les élèves au fur et à mesure de l'étude)

- " How to be a hero" didactisé Meeting
Point ,Secondes , p. 42 didactisé ( en PJ 2) :
Book cover with a pilot/
A firefighter/ Barack
Obama/Rosa Parks
/MLKing/Man on the moon and Spiderman
-WB p.22 .Ex 1/2/3
- Meeting Point p.50 ,
Language at work.

- Meeting Point p. 43
Discovering Role
Models and their life
( biography+ categories, nationality, achievements )
- Role play cards , WB

Micro Tâches /Mises en œuvre
- Séance 1: What is a hero for you ?
¤ Group work ( in pairs )Discuss the question written on the board and prepare a definition .Report your findings to the class. EOI
¤ Class work : tell the class + fill in the mind map ( en PJ )
¤ Pair work : who is your hero/heroine and explain why you admire him/her EOI+EOC
HWK: who is your hero? Explain your choice

- Séance 2 :
¤ Class Work : look at the document and react .
( physical description + attitudes + personal qualities + deeds ) (EOC)
Complexification : people regard /see/ consider him/her as a hero because/as /since
¤ Group work : ( in pairs ) : elements that make them look like a hero+ make a list with basic qualities of a hero + tell the class. (EOI/EOC)
¤ Class Work : Complete WB + Exercise p.50
HWK : Create a mini quiz and find 5 questions to ask your class mates about the heroes you have just discovered . (EE )

- Séance 3
¤ Class work : EOC +CE
Look at the names + identify each hero+ read the biographical cards + give his nationality/domain/ achievements ¤ Group work : Classify each hero in categories+ tell the class and

en relation

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