
700 mots 3 pages
Market Leader p 111, Making a corporate marriage work by Stefan Stern
DO’s | DON’Ts | 1) Prepare early before the merger is announced publicly | 1) Relax once is deal is signed | 2) Future plans have to be discussed confidentially between both companies | 2) Do not care and be imprecise with cultural issues | 3) Plan seminars to give details information to the staff to reassure them and give main directions | 3) Impose your point of view and find local solutions | 4) Take accurate decisions by “learning about the history of the new partner” and explain them to employees | 4) |

C. 1 – b (lines 117- 124)
2 – a (line 24 to 31)
3 – c (lines 52 to58)
D. 1a ; 2c ; 3b ; 4a ; 5b ; 6c
1.I have never had the feeling to be “steam-rollered” but I think it arrives in everyday’s life : it can happen to citizens when a state take a decision without asking for their opinion. For example, some months ago, French were manifesting against the pension reform. Whether the Government had the choice or not is another question but French had the feeling that it was happening without their agreement.
2. Yes, I know some shop floors workers who work because they have to do so to earn money. Some of them like what they are doing, some do not care… I think it depends on the sector and their personality. Although even if they enjoy their job, most of them do not care about the company’s success.
3. Personally, when I have a problem to solve, I prefer do think in a particular order: first of all, considering the big-picture in order to limit the propagation to other issues and then, to prioritize the nitty-gritty.
4. I think that before impose something to somebody, you have to explain the reasons why and give them an alternative choice. For example, if they do not want to follow a different dress code, they can work for a lower service or they won’t get any promotion…

F. “Bringing two companies together is an enormous task” and even if it implies

en relation

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