Topic: what is a very important skill a person needs to learn in order to be successful in the world today? choose one skill and use specific reason and examples to support your choice.

364 mots 2 pages
Topic: What is a very important skill a person needs to learn in order to be successful in the world today? Choose one skill and use specific reason and examples to support your choice.

Nowadays, successful people from Bill Gates to Barack Obama do not have anything in common,

they are all different from each others, they did not make the same studies, did not come from the

same families, some of the had to climb up the social ladder, others were privileged. What does it

takes to succeed? How come they became successful, what was their key to success? To me, as they

are all different this success doesn’t come from what they are but from what they did, their will is

their key to success.

So I will try to explain why to me, the will is an important skill to be successful.

As a young child we are always told that we need to work at school, so one day we can

be successful, but is it enough? Certainly not. If it was enough everybody could easily succeed.

Somebody who is not especially more intelligent than somebody else may succeed too if he has some

will power. Indeed, in life when people want something they are ready to work harder, to make

sacrifices, to organize their life on their goal, to do whatever it takes because their will is stronger

than everything.

It is true that, this is hard to believe that will is a skill to succeed, but people that do not

have any, will never be successful. As an example an athlete who smokes, he can run as fast as he

can, be the best, if he has to stop smoking and he does not, then he will not become a champion, will

not succeed. Because his will lacks.

As a conclusion I would say that to me the will is the key to success, it makes us stronger and without

it nothing is possible. However this is obvious that the will power is an important skill to be

successful, but this is not the only one, success is made of will,

en relation

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