Étude risque politique du mexique (anglais)

1458 mots 6 pages

Government stability
Mexico has been under the power of spain during three century. The independance on the 16th september of 1810, sign the beginning of the history of the federal republic of the united states of mexico, as it is established now. During the election of 2000, the political party which has been elected, reversed a tendancy of the former during 71 years. The party which was deafeted is the « revolutionnary institutional party (PRI), letting the National Action Party (PAN ; christian and social) getting the power.

The current president Felipe de Jesus Calderon, has been elected in 2006 for 6 years. During his three first years of his mandate, he achieved to federate even the opposite party to vote his reforms propositions. But, since the congress election in 2009, the opposite party (PRI) took the majority (36%) of the power of decision in the congress. But, inside the government of Calderon, they all follow this leader and still legitimate side the population by the majority. Mark : 3/4

In that federal republic, the legislative power is divided of the executive power. As we said before, the majority of the congress, which votes laws propositions, is part of the opposition of the government. The constitution is rescpected. But, the exectuvie is quite higher. This feeling is becoming more and more important since the majority of governors are from the opposition part. Mark : 2,5/4


Actually, this governement of right who reverse the power of left at this time proved his ambition by trying to make reforms for the country not nececerely easy but really important ( as drug problem ). However, the opposite party of revolution gets more and more power. Even if they are « bad loosers » making low blows that don’t stain their public opinion. Mark : 2/4 TOTAL : 7,5/12



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