
468 mots 2 pages
Apartheid is an Afrikaans word.
Afrikaans is the language spoken by Afrikaners.
Afrikaans looks and sounds like Dutch.
Apartheid means separate development of the races.
Apartheid was first introduced in South Africa in the early 20th century.
The South Africa was divided into 4 groups: blacks, whites, coloreds, Asians.

Township separate ghettos for blacks and whites people around big cities. = shanty towns
Passport passport to work in white areas
Coloureds is half-castes

They had to have a passport to work in white areas
They needed to live in township
They weren’t allowed to have relations with whites unless they worked for them
They were allowed work in the white areas provided they had a passport

African national congre organize the resistance for brought apartheid
Imprisoned = jailed
Accused of = charged with

Presentation South Africa
HistorySouth Africa was separated in two partswhite and blacks

Black lived in Shanty town
Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. 400 children were killedthey were protesting in the street Sowetotownship4millions people because the government wanted ….. Learn African’s (language spoken by white people)Afrikaners( descending of Dutch people) .
SA was settled in the XVI century by the Dutch people.
They instituted the apartheid, the separation of B and w people.
1912ANC ANC was fight against apartheid, they are revolt, the B was armed and makes revolt.
Nelson Mandela was an activist against the apartheid: he was the first B president of Africa.
After Apartheid: “In My country” this film talks about Truth and reconciliation commission. There are 2 journalists, one of them was B. He want to know the white, the other was W, he was South Africa; he says that the B want to make peace with the W.
In SA there are so many problems as VIH5millions and 700 dead, they are poor and they haven’t got job
1990 stop the system of apartheid
1994Mandela became president (all people elected

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