Comparing and contrasting the social and economic policies of hitler and mussolini (anglais)

1098 mots 5 pages
Comparing and Contrasting the Social and Economic Policies of Hitler and Mussolini

Economics Policies:

Hitler Mussolini
Phase One (‘Partial Fascism’)
- New Plan was developed by Schacht in September 1934. The plan was aimed at developing a considerable trade balance (exports vs. imports)
- Another main focus of the first phase was a severe reduction in unemployment. Elimination of trade unions powers and a control of wages was also established. - Plan of corporativism introduced in 1926 marked Mussolini’s attempt to change and structure the economy. Rocco Law (1926) divided the economy into seven areas.
- The idea of corporativism was introduced by Mussolini in 1936 and was aimed at replacing trade unions and employers organizations.
Phase Two (‘Four Year Plan’)
- The Four Year Plan replaced the New Plan in 1936. The focus of this plan was to achieve autarky in agriculture and industry. This was supposed to be achieved through increased productivity and output.
- Hitler was aiming for “economics rearmament” which would therefore increase the military strength of the German Reich.
- Göring replaced Schacht in 1936/37 but the targets were not met even though considerable success was remarked, as 1/3 of raw materials still had to be imported. (no autarky) - This corporativism and the Rocco Law caused state control of the industry. It was an attempt to tackle the problems caused by the Great Depression in 1929.
- The initial passive state intervention from 1922-25 was changed by Mussolini into a more influential thought.
- Mussolini favored the heavy industry. First, private enterprises were encouraged but by 1930 the Great Depression caused this state intervention.
- Autarky was also an important goal and by 1940 the Italian industry had become more successful, improving raw materials and the industrial sector.
Phase Three (‘Blitzkrieg’)
- Even though the Blitzkrieg was a military strategy it was also focused on the economy, aiming at the

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