Ecran tactil

331 mots 2 pages
English final Today i’ll speak about touchscreens. At first I’ll give you a little presentation : history and definition After this I’ll present you the different touchscreens which exists in our society : The resistive touchscreen,the capacitive touchscreen and the infrared touchscreen. The last part will give you some explications about multitouch and its applications. So let’s begin : A touchscreen is a display which can detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area. You have to use your finger or your hand to touch the display : You could also use a stylet or an Electromagnetic pen to touch the display but in this last case the term touchscreen is not applicable. The touchscreen has two main attributes: -First, it enables us to interact with what is displayed directly on the screen -Secondly, it lets us doing so without requiring any intermediate device Well now I’ll describe you the different touchscreen which exists : *The first is the resistive touchscreen* : *The Second type is the capacitive touchscreen* : A layer which accumulates charges is placed on the glass plate of the display : when you touch the screen with your finger some of these charges are transferred to your finger : charges which leave the capacitive plate create a lack which is measurable. Some sensors at the corners of the plete give the positions of your finger. *Infrared Touchscreen* : It’s not litteraly a screen : it’s a frame which are connected infrared issuers and receivers : this issuers send some infrared rays : so when your finger touch the screen it stops vertical and horizontal rays : the receivers which doesn’t receive their rays give the information to the computer which can give the position of your finger. As conclusion : Diapo12 Now the particularities of the touchscreen is that today they can be multitouch ! Even if it exists since 1982, they are marketable for 2 years. The Microsoft surface

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