Exposé d'anglais sur les ours polair

516 mots 3 pages
Polar Bears

* Hi Barrius what can you say about polar bears ? What is it ? * As we all know polar bears are carnivore mammales that live in the North and South poles. They have a white fur so they are camouflaged in this arctic landscape. They get their new fur from may to august. The male weights between 400 and 600 kg but sometimes 800 kg too. They are 2 or 3 meters long. The females weights 200 to 350 kg and are 1.8 -2 meters long. * All right ! Could you say more about them ? * They are the biggest terrestrial carnivore of the earth. Their smell is gorgeous ! They can smell a seal 2 km around. * And what is their hunting and diet? * It depends about the seasons. But it is principally the Phoca Hispica (seals) and Erignatus Barbatus.They like fish too. * Ok. Tell me now about the reproduction of the polar bears. * Sure. The females polar bears can be a mother for her 3rd years old. They have children, between 2 or 3, each 3 years approximatly. They appear during the wintering of the female, they all stay 2 or 3 months in their den. The mother teach to her children how to hunt and how to fine a good den. At about 3 years, the polar bears get their independance. * You talk about hunting, but how do they hunt ?? * They use different techniques. The first one is simple. When they swim, they come near an ice-barrier or an iceberg, they just let their muzzle out of the water. Then they jump on their prey. The other one is when there is a seal in a hole. They just smell it and catch it quickly. * And what about their environnement ? * Polar bears live for the majority on the ice-barrier. We can see them in all the arctic ocean. * That is their main problem. With the global warming, their territories get more and more limited. They have difficulty to walk and hunt on this fragile ice. Sometimes some of them are lost, in summer, when the ice melt. They swim a lot to find their pray and to find somewhere to take a

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