
670 mots 3 pages
MYSTERY IN MANHATTAN : Fingerprints :emprunte. Footprints : trace de pas. Guns and weapons : arme à feu. Identity papers. A lover. A licence place. Magnifying glass: loupe. Fuse: fusible. Newspeper headlines: le journal. Emergency number. 911CALL: Shoot: tirer. Scraming: cri. Outside his house: l’exterieur de sa maison. Take a gun: prendre un fusil. HEART OF DARKNESS : A manor: un manoir. The wind : le vent. A wood : un bois. The curtains : les rideaux. 2 Steps : 2 marches. A serial killer. To assassinate. To be careful : faire attention. Faint: léger. To reach: atteindre. To muffle: étouffer un cri. A moan: un gémissement. Lips: les lèvres. To grab : saisi. To yank : tirer fortement. To thud : faire un bruit sourd. To change one’s mind : changer d’avis. To be startled : être effrayé. Both: tout les 2. Towards: en direction de. Intently: attentivement. Sickening: écoeurant. Awareness: la conscience. A hint of: un soupçon de. Breathing: la respiration. Revendiquer : to claim. Jusque là : so for. A parking lot. Au moins : at least. Surnommé: so called. Être porté disparu: to be reported missing. Étrangler: strangle. Au fond du jardin: at the back of garden. Sa marier avec: to marry somebody. Etre curieux: to be too curous. En bas: upstairs. En haut : downstairs. En bonne santé : heathly. Couper un morceaux : to cut into pieces. Etre utile : to be useful. S’installer ds 1 maison: to move into a house. Interdire à qq’1 de faire qque chose: to forbid sb to do something. Un abri de jardin: a shed. To be away; etre parti. Une épée: a sword. Un cadaver: a corpse. THRILLERS:A detective is making an investigation or inquiry. He is looking for clues to find out who has committed a murder. Mystery in manhattan: last night, a fire blazed in upper westsiide on 94th street in M. Afour story wooden house. Chris Stewart called the emergency number 911 because he was sp scared. He lives at number 32, Swiss Avenue in Dallas. He heard someone screaming in the street, outside his

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