Salaire minimum france allemagne

7856 mots 32 pages

Summary 1

Introduction 2

Two systems that come out from two different histories and cultures 3

A) Wage regulation from 1949 to 1990 in France and in Germany 3

B) Main features of the current systems in France and in Germany which have been inherited from their historical context 6

Two systems that are today simultaneously questioned 7

A) Why does France want to be inspired by the German’ system? 7

B) Why does Germany want to be inspired by the French system? 13

Would a standard minimum wage in Europe be a solution? 16

A) Difficulty principally stems from the fact that history culture social and economic policy choices are all different in Europe 16

B) Possibilities and suggestions for social progress as requested by Europeans on the minim wage 17

Conclusion 20

References 21


The minimum wage finds itself at the centre of numerous discussions in Europe as its future will determine whether or not Europe will head toward a welfare union or rather toward a union barely protecting workers. One of Lisbon treaty’s primary ambitions was to make the minimum salary for the social sphere a symbol as the Euro became a symbol for the monetary sphere. To realize this objective, the minimum salary must evoke a certain conception of human dignity. The principle behind is that any employee should live at a decent level far from the poverty level and not only the conception that the minimum wage is the lowest wage at which workers can sell their labour. However today, other goals have to be taken into consideration to fulfil minimum wage ambitions. Now, the minimum salary is gradually being seen as a way to reduce inequalities and social inefficiencies in advanced societies between skilled and poorly qualified labour. It may also incite firms to make productivity gains by investing in new technologies instead of hiring employees filling poorly gratifying positions with sub minimum wages. Finally in economic

en relation

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