Service marketing -specific case menton bank

598 mots 3 pages
Case 13 Study Questions 1. Identify the steps taken by Menton Bank to develop a stronger customer orientation in its retail branches.

Expand service hardware:
Redesign the bank interior—teller counter and service desk near the entrance.
New ATM system
Automated telephone banking: computerized voice
Central customer service office: bank representative speaking, email communication, will be expand service hour.
Website redesign, to be more user-friendly
RFID credit card

After they launched new financial products…..
Train existing staffs:
New training programs, new job description and job titles: CAR, CSR.
---course: basic selling skills, relationship, needs, solution, overcoming objections

Incentive program and evaluation program for the performance of CSR.

2. Compare and contrast the jobs of CAR and CSR.
How important is each (a) to bank operations and (b) to customer satisfaction?

CAR holds more comprehensive skills than CSR. CAR has 15 hours training which related to basic selling skills, relationship, needs, solution, overcoming objections. CSR just has 2 hours training which related to needs, product benefit, objections and referring customer to CARs.
CAR take care selling financial product and generate main revenue for bank. They build customer relationship by superior communication skill. By serving existing customer well and attract new customer.

CSR take care of the basic banking operation business generally. Rising and finding the interest and needs of other financial product of customer is important to them. After finish basic operations, referring customer to CAR is need. Here is the main point for expanding banking business.

CAR deals with customer in the front line. The quality of service is very important to the customer satisfaction.

CSR also is the frontline staff who serve customer, but limit in daily banking operation. The basic level of customer satisfaction is their responsibility.


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