
1473 mots 6 pages
La Réception
The colonel and Mrs. Mills sat silent in their carriage at seven o’clock precisely that evening, as it swung1 into the impressive grounds of Indrajit Rai’s house, royal jeweller to the maharajah of Jupthana.
Alicia felt the colonel stiffen beside her at the sight of such native opulence and placed a pale cool hand on his arm reassuringly.
Le colonel et Mme. Mills étaient assis silencieux dans leur chariot à sept heures précisément cette soirée, comme il pénétrait sur les terres impressionnantes de la maison d'Indrajit Rai, bijoutier royal du maharadja de Jupthana.
Alicia sentait le colonel tendu (crispé) à côté d'elle en voyant une telle opulence natale et mis une main fraîche pâle sur son bras d'une manière rassurante.

Indrajit Rai stood, with his son on his right, waiting humble to receive his honored British guests. As they approached him, he bowed his head and pressed his hands together, smiling all the time but keeping his eyes averted so as not to offend.
”Colonel Mills Sahib! And Mrs. Mills Memsahib. How good of you to come; you do a great honor to me and my family”.
Indrajit se tenait debout, avec son fils sur sa droite, attendant humble pour recevoir ses honorés invités britanniques. Comme ils s’approchaient de lui, il saluait et joignait ses mains ensemble, souriant tout le temps, mais gardant ses yeux prévenus afin de ne pas offenser.
"Colonel Mills Sahib ! Et Madame Mills Memsahib. Comme c’est très gentil de votre part venir; vous me faites un grand honneur à moi et à ma famille.

Colonel Mills nodded in reply and glanced over the Indian’s head into the house to see who had already arrived.
May I please introduce you to my son, Colonel Mills? Indrajit Rai mentioned frantically with his left hand behind his back for his son to step forward and bow his head. “This is my son, colonel, Jagat. It is a great honor for him to meet you.
Le Colonel Mills inclina en réponse et jeta un coup d'oeil par-dessus la tête de l'Indien vers la

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