Chinese communication culture

314 mots 2 pages
How would you characterize Chinese communication’s culture?

• Generally conservative
• Dress conservative (even casual dress), neutral colors, no revealing clothing
• No large hand movements (Chinese do not speak with their hands, might seem distracting), pointing with open palm and not when speaking, men should avoid touching women in public
• Be careful when giving gifts: either in private or to a group as a whole, banquet or quality writing pens favored. Avoid: clocks, straw sandals, handkerchiefs and anything white, blue or black since associated with death.
• Arrive early or on time
• No business discussions during meals, taste all dishes, be careful with chopsticks, do not finish meal completely, careful with tipping
• Greeting: bowing, nodding, or wait for Chinese to offer handshake
• Applause common and expected in return, formal introduction with business titles
• Appointments important, contacts must be made before trip (importance of guanxi)
• Slow decision making process
• Chinese are superstitious even when it comes to business
• Present and receive business cards with both hands, never write on them or but them in your wallet or pocket
• Chinese value rank and status: most important member should lead important meetings. Important to have your formal title on the business card otherwise the Chinese will think you are a nobody
• Influenced by Confucian thought: importance of relationships, harmony, face. Example: If you disagree with something a person says, express it indirectly so that the person doesn’t loose face.

What cultural attributes would seem most “foreign” to an outsider?

• Slow decision making process, importance of relationship building as part of doing business. Example: negotiations to form a joint venture can take a year and the actual negotiations might not start before after 3 months
• Importance of gifts, face and relationships
• Not supposed to finish all your meal → still hungry
• Women are not supposed

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