Education aux etats unis

3101 mots 13 pages
From Brown v. Board of Education (1954) to Williams v. California (2004), the American education has proven to be a subject of a heated debate between the courts, the federal government, parents and the different racial groups in the US. Desegregation, busing, funding policies, school vouchers, charter schools, school choice and integration are key issues throughout the history of American education. The goal of these reforms is an equal educational system that could provide all the students –regardless of their gender or race- with equal opportunities for success. Little by little, citizens and legislators became aware that educational quality and financing are major requirements for a socially and economically successful nation. However, American education is marked by a series of successes and failures. Indeed, the American educational system remains unequally separated along racial lines. Despite all the reforms, American education continues to suffer from a substantial race-related gap in academic achievement with Whites and Asians on the high end of the spectrum and Latinos and African Americans on the lower end. The processes that generate this racial disparity in academic performance are the subject of many researches. In The Source of the River and Taming the River, M C L F (here after MCLF) addresses the question of the academic underachievement among minority students in elite colleges, especially in their first two years as undergraduates. In their investigation, they found that many factors could explain the performance gap between minorities and whites. These factors include academic preparation, social environment and interactions, parental contribution, cultural capital, financial pressures, stereotype threat…
As an active reader, it is always important to analyze the different arguments given by authors and to think critically about how they support them. In this report, (cite the 4 points)…
First, the argument I agree with is the one that

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