Essai de management stratégique

2539 mots 11 pages
Companies learn how to make strategy by doing. Where the value of new strategies erodes rapidly, companies must pay attention to how fast and how well they are able to create new strategies and migrate to them. Advice for strategy making emphasizes either discipline (e.g, rigorous, elaborate planning) or imagination ( e.g, attempts to think outside the box). Neither discipline nor imagination alone is as effective as both are together.
(il ne suffit pas d’avoir des bonnes idées il faut avoir une method precise et organisée afin d’appliquer ses idées. Il en est de même dans le sens inverse, on peut organisé et faire preuve de discipline mais s’il n’y a pas d’imagination comment mettre ne place une stratégie)
Intro: learning to make strategy.
Strategy making in the rapidly changing environment would have to happen more often. In a reality where the window of opportunity for a strategy to generate new wealth is steadily shortening,(comme nous l’avons vu dans les articles précédemment étudiés, nous pouvons dire que notre environnement change tres rapidement et nous ne voulosn pas que notre produit devienne obsolete ou encore nous faire dépassé par nos concurrents il est important d’établir de nouvelles strategies en function de ces changements. Par ex à travers l’innovation) new strategies have to be constructed more often. The demand of the dynamic and competitive business environment can potentially overwhelm an organization’s tried-and-true methods for making strategy. Value creation has become intimately associated with the ability to continually innovative business strategies.
Such capability must be learned by doing. (savoir faire une stratégie n’est pas inné, il faut plusieurs mises en pratique).
Themes of strategy making In the early 60’s everybody was focused on imagination. The leader was expected to be a brilliant visionary, able to form intuitively a coherent strategy for the future of the company by matching the strengths and weaknesses of the

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