Exposé anglais faguo

979 mots 4 pages
FAGUO SHOES : “The trendy ecology ”

Problématique : How does Faguo make ecology a successful marketing strategy ?

Intro : Faguo is a new brand of shoes which is very involved in environmentalism. They based their reputation on that principle and they got famous thanks to that.
Let’s see how ecology became profitable !
Annonce du plan : We are going to see the different sides of the success of the brand. At first, we’ll explain how Faguo became qualified as a “young brand”, then the original marketing strategy which makes the brand famous. After that, we’re going to introduce you the principle of the brand and their truly involvement in ecology which is the basis of the firm. And to finish we’re gonna show you how important is to be up-to-date and to have a good media plan.

I. A young era. This new shoe was created by two 22 years old French guys, Nicolas and Frederic, while they’re still in the ISTEC business and marketing school in Paris. It’s a “sneaker”, little flat shoes made of cloth and cotton. It’s a characteristic pair of shoes which young wears because it’s easy to wear with almost all your clothes and it’s usable in the street and also to practice sport, even to go party with it. Moreover it’s perfect adaptation to the market and the trend. Indeed the price is 40 euros which is quite affordable for students. Nicolas and Frederic notice that hot item at first in Japan where the youth all wear that kind of shoes. That’s why they thought that would be a good idea to create a French pattern of that trend. Last but not least, in Paris they use strategic store location in the trendiest places of over the town. As for example, the famous second-hand clothes shop : Killiwatch which is very popular with young and trendy people because they sell once the hottest items, the cheapest and second hand clothes.

II. An original marketing strategy

They bank at once on ecology, media and the young market. In

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