
932 mots 4 pages
A successful Interview
An interview serves as a platform for exchanging information between the applicant and the interviewer in the context of the position in hand.

Before the interview…

≤ Find out all you can about the company and the job: What do they do? Who are their competitors? What does the job involve?
≤ What skills do you have that would be of interest to the company?
≤ Keep a copy of your CV and re-read it before the interview.
≤ Think about and prepare for the questions that you may be asked.
≤ Prepare some questions to ask the interviewer.

On the day…

≤ First impressions count. Dress appropriately so that you feel confident and comfortable.
≤ Make sure you know where you are going, and allow yourself plenty of time to get there.
≤ Get a feel for the company while you are waiting to be interviewed. (Read any literature that is available, chat to any other candidates).
≤ Remember the interview starts from the moment you arrive on the company premises – the receptionist/secretary may be asked what she thought of you.

At the interview…

≤ A firm, brief handshake if proffered. Avoid sweaty palms and a contest of strength!
≤ Sit up straight and look at the interviewer, speak clearly and don’t fidget.
≤ Be yourself – the interviewer wants to find out about you!
≤ Take a copy of your CV along and use it as a memory jogger.
≤ Be friendly, polite and enthusiastic! You need to let the interviewer know that you really want the job!
≤ Make sure you get all the points about your skills and what you can offer the company, across in the interview.
≤ Show interest and be positive. Never offer negative information about yourself.
≤ Establish a two-way communication process. Tag relevant questions on the end of answers to obtain a good conversational flow. Avoid yes/no answers. Don’t waffle.
≤ Think before

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