La séduction un art à développer en anglais

1116 mots 5 pages

The seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in some sort of human sexual behavior. The word seduction stems from Latin and means literally "to lead astray." Seduction, seen negatively, involves temptation and enticement, often sexual in nature, to lead someone astray into a behavioural choice they would not have made if they were not in a state of sexual arousal. Seen positively, seduction is a synonym for the act of charming someone — male or female — by an appeal to the senses, often with the goal of reducing unfounded fears and leading to their (sexual) emancipation.

When the marriage was established, the human beings's life expectancy was around 35 years. We got married earlier, but the marital union lasted hardly about twenty year. This life expectancy evolved: from 49 years to 80 years. It will thus be possible to live one very, very long love story, or to live 4 or 5 affairs of about twenty year each.
That's why we have to develop the art of seduction.

How is born this emotion? And, especially, how keep alive this emotion through time and the inevitable crises in daily life ? The objective of the seduction is to draw the attention of a person by all the possible ways to take the emotional control and make sure that you and your partner will enjoy it. The stages and the rites of seduction are universal : the female is the subject of the seduction and the male, the object of the seduction...


FiRST STAGE : The physical attraction

It's necessary to attract the attention of the person, we want to seduce. Everywhere, the women are going to emphasize their physical charms, and the men, their potency and their wealth. Both make it, in a more or less patent way. Men swagger, and women provoke. The men are looking for fertility, and women, safety.
Moreover, there's no accounting for taste.

SECOND STAGE : The look of deep significance

The second stage comes when

en relation

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