Le rire

322 mots 2 pages
Nowadays more and more of people in france to buy on Internet all you need is a computer and a credit card in fact,the online shopping is a quick, easy way to buy all your gifts and household purchases without leaving home moreover for me I think the biggest advantage for shopping for clothes online is that when you're not in a major city, where you're going to have those more trendy pieces or more availability, go online, and at the click of a button you can get anything you want but The biggest disadvantage of shopping online is not probably, but definitely you're not trying it on, you don't see the piece to actually know what it looks like. Maybe it's one thing on the Internet but when you get it at home it doesn't fit, it’s the wrong color or weird off color, cranberry might look purple. Whatever the case may be, you don't know what it looks like. so you want to make sure that the items are of good quality for example I go items online shopping not very often. Maybe once every five months. It depends on my money. If I have the money.
During the past three months I have already bought shoes and dresses and I haven't had any problems at all. I think the most important thing, in shopping online, is you really need to look for the security
I think I love the contact with staff and move to see items

work, so I don’t want to spend my time queuing up to get into shops or car parks
I now see the Internet, rather than the high street, as my first resource for shopping.”

During the past three months, I’ve bought DIY materials, an oven, a fridge, CDs, wine and books. I’d buy everything online if I

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