Money debt

21410 mots 86 pages
Friends – Please print this out or order hard copies (see final page)and use it to explain monetary reform to your friends with an abbreviated yet complete explanation!

Presenting the American Monetary Act (as of July 18, 2009)
©2009 American Monetary Institute, P.O. Box 601, Valatie, NY 12184 518-392-5387 “Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the nation.” Stephen Zarlenga, Director

Dear Friends, The World economy has been taken down and wrecked by the financial establishment and their economists; and by their supporters in the media they own, and even by some in the executive and legislative branches, in the name of “free markets” and insatiable greed. Shame! Shame on them all! The American Monetary Act (the “Act”) is a comprehensive reform of the present United States money system, and it resolves the current banking crisis. “Reform” is not in its title, because the AMI considers our monetary system to never have been adequately defined in law, but rather to have been put together piecemeal under pressure from particular interests, mainly banking, in pursuit of their own private advantage, without enough regard to our nation’s needs. That is the harsh judgment of history as made clear in The Lost Science of Money, by Stephen Zarlenga (abbreviated LSM).* That book presents the research results of The American Monetary Institute to date and this Act puts the reform process described in Chapter 24 into legislative language. Chapters 1 thru 23 present the historical background and case studies on which Chapter 24 is based. We recommend serious students of our money system read the book now, and suggest that those who’ve read it read it again. This Act has been in preparation since December 2004 and was placed on our web site for public criticism in February 2006, and concurrently released in Philadelphia at the Eastern Economic Association Conference, for general comment. It draws from and improves a previous

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