Quetionnaire satisfaction retaurant en anglais

321 mots 2 pages
Dear Customer,

In order to keep to your expectations, we would like to know who you are and what you think about our restaurant
We invite you to tick your choice and will offer you a coffee for the time you will have spent.

Day of your meal : _ _ november 2010 Lunch Dinner
Are you a man or a woman ?

Is it the first time you come to our restaurant ? Yes No

If no, how often do you usually come ?

Several times a week a month a year

Have you got the loyalty card ? Yes No

Do you know the benefits linked to it ? Yes No

Do you work in the 8th District of Paris ? Yes No
Do you live in the 8th District of Paris ? Yes No

If no to these questions would you mind telling us what is your current city and country ?

What makes you choose a restaurant in the first place ?

menu fame good value for money

Other (explain) :

How have you heard of … ? :

as a regular customer as a customer of …

by word of mouth on internet, which site ?

Other (explain) :

What is your job and your company?

What age are you ?

less than 30 30-40 40-50 more than 50

|Tick your choice, please : |Very satisfied |Satisfied |To improve |Not satisfied |
| |[pic] | | |[pic] |
| | |[pic] | | |
|What do you think of : | | | | |
|The professionalism and kindness of server(s) | | | | |
|? | | | | |
|The promptness of the service ? | | | | |
|The quality of your meal ? |

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