Solar shingles

367 mots 2 pages
Solar Shingle Setups
As an aside solar shingles wired to the electric grid, electric utilities are legally required to pay you for energy you feed into the grid in many areas. While investor owned public utilities are legally required to allow users to feed energy back into the grid for a credit, there are energy cooperatives in rural areas exempt from this law. It is always wise to consult your local electric utility before installing solar shingles.
Another type of solar shingle setup employs a large pack of batteries to store excess energy during periods in which production exceeds usage, using battery power to run your home when production is less than consumption. This type of system may allow you to retain power when your local utility is experiencing a power outage.
Older solar shingle designs were more expensive to install than traditional PV panels, but new, more efficient designs such as thin-film copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cells can be installed in 10 hours, compared with the 22 to 30 hours required for the installation of traditional panels. The lower cost of installation dramatically reduces the cost of solar power implementation.
Large homebuilders in California like Lennar are partnering with SunPower to offer new construction solar homes that have solar systems installed prior to moving in. Reducing the overhead and using solar roof tile technology makes solar a standard option like granite countertops, making solar an affordable solution to reduce electricity costs

Tuile solaire : coût
Le coût de l’installation de tuiles solaires est très raisonnable grâce aux avantages et aides financières dont bénéficie le matériau :
• Un crédit d’impôt de 50% du prix d’achat
• Un taux de TVA réduit
• Des aides financières selon les régions
• La possibilité de revendre le surplus électrique produit à EDF

• Investissement rentable : en revendant le surplus d’électricité à EDF, l’installation de tuiles solaires est un investissement

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