The miniskirt

773 mots 4 pages
The miniskirt today

Today, the miniskirt is worn by all ages women and all seasons. They wear it to go to school, to work or during the weekend but also for the weddings and the business meetings, with a jacket as a suit.
The wearing of the miniskirt in the winter has been developed a lot with thick tights or coloured leggings and boots.
The jean’s miniskirt is very fashion with an oversize V-neck pullover and biker boots.
This miniskirt fashion is everywhere in the collections and the skirts are always shorter, in wool, cotton or jean’s, it’s a classic.
It encourages the wearing of whim tights, squared, dotted, and purple or blues.
This fashion is everywhere in the world, young Japanese girls wear the miniskirt with high boots, and it’s today a basic garment in the winter as it’s worn with thick tights with the cold, it’s not anymore a very sexy garment when it’s worn like that.

A symbol
In the 60’s, the society was changing and it was the beginning of the equality between men and women.
The miniskirt started to become a symbol after the quiet fashion of the 50’s.
The women wanted to show their freedom and defend the equality values.
So the miniskirt was a symbol of independence.
They show that they have an identity, and that they exist as women.
They want to provoke the men, to put themselves at the same level and to prove that they are free to do what they want to do.
They show their legs and that’s something they couldn’t do before.
Outre le symbole véhiculé, la minijupe présente des avantages et des inconvénients pour la femme qui la porte. Le principal avantage réside dans le fait que la minijupe, puisque s'arrêtant à mi-cuisses, offre une liberté de mouvement supérieure à une jupe plus longue enserrant davantage les jambes. Le principal inconvénient réside également dans sa longueur : d'une part, une femme en minijupe droite doit savoir croiser les jambes en s'asseyant comme le conseillait Jacques Helleu, le directeur artistique des

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