Visit report company

656 mots 3 pages

Before any development on this visit, it seems appropriate to begin this report with thanks to Mr. Ahmed ABRIANE our professor who taught us a lot to make this visit.

Also, we thank Mr. OULHACHMI Ali, head of the information system and legal department, who received us warmly to the Company and has answered all our questions. Finally, we thank the whole group present that has to listen and made the visit very pleasant.


On the morning of January 19 last, at 9.00 am, we met with Mr. OULHACHMI Ali, head at the information system and legal department, in the Moroccan Society of touristic engineering.
This visit was an opportunity for us to understand the world of work particularly in the field of tourism. Beyond enriching our personal knowledge, this day has allowed us to understand the importance of tourism investment in the development of the national economy. First, we will start by introducing the SMIT; and then we will talk about its Objectives and Vision.

Company Presentation

The SMIT is a limited company with a Management and Supervisory Board.
Established by Royal Decree on Law No. 10-07 published in the Official Gazette December 13, 2007.

• It brings together three former state structures under the Ministry of Tourism and Handicrafts: The Directorate of Planning and Investment (DAI), the National Society of Development of the Bay of Agadir (SONABA) and the National Society of 'Development of the Bay of Tangier (SNABT).

Following its restructuring in 2008, SMIT has adopted a new structure at headquarters in Rabat and at its two offices (Agadir and Tangier):

 A Department of Organization and Internal Audit. (Rabat)
 A department of Tangier Bay.
 A Department of Agadir Bay. (She visited)

 6 Central Departments:
- Management Support.
- Investment Management.
- The Department of Tourism Springs.
- Urban Tourism Management (PDRT).
- Tourism Management Internal / Niche Rural.

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