
2558 mots 11 pages
CONTRACT No. 7025806
Date: 10 March, 2010
Sumy, Ukraine

Open Joint - Stock Company «Sumy Frunze Machine Building Science and Production Association»,Ukraine in the person of Head of Sales Department Mr. A.A.Artyukhov, , Acting Sales Director, acting on the basis of the Letter of Attorney No. 18-49/355 dd. December 30, 2009, hereinafter refereed to as Seller, being juridical person in accordance with acting legislation of Ukraine and located at 58, Gorkogo Str., 40004 Sumy, Ukraine from the one hand and Fives Cail, a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of France, located at 22, rue de Carrousel-Parc de la Cimaise- BP10374-59669 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex- France, represented by Mrs. Francoise Corda, Purchaser, acting on the basis of Articles of Association, hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”, on the other hand, jointly referencing hereafter as “ Parties ” , have concluded the present Contract, hereinafter refereed to as “Contract” on the following:

1. Subject of the Contract

1.1. The Seller undertakes to assign to the Buyer’s property the items, hereinafter referred to as “the Goods”, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and to pay for the Goods on conditions, in order and term stipulated by the present Contract.

1.2 Quantity of the Goods supplied under the present Contract and other characteristics of the Goods are given in Specification No 1 (Appendix No.1), being an integral part thereof .

2. Price and the total value of the Contract

2.1. The price of the Goods are given in EURO on terms FCA Sumy, Ukraine, according to INCOTERMS 2000.

2.2. The total value of the Goods is EURO 39770.00 (Say: Thirty Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy EUROonly) and includes price of Goods, cost of shipping documents, and expenses according to the delivery terms.

2.3 Currency of the Contract and payment is EURO.

2.4. The price of the Goods and the total value of the Contract are not subject to alterations.


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