L'interim en france(devoir en anglais)

1062 mots 5 pages
------------------------------------------------- L'intérim en France

Subject: Temping in France


The France takes place in fourth rank in terms of the temporary work, behind the United States, Great Britain and the Japan market. Every day, in France, more than 560 000 people work for temporary agency.

In France, the volume of temping represents 2.1% of the workforce employed, compared with an average rate of use of the fixed term 5%. Thus, the number of temping workers has doubled between 1998 and 2004.

1,000 temping companies have developed 6 300 agencies in France. These agencies are permitted to create a local network for job search. In 2004, these companies have managed 560 000 full-time equivalent jobs. According the average length of missions and the staff rotation, more than 2 million employees are concerned by this form of employment.
After the 1990’s expend, market slowed in 2001 to finally stabilize. Although the market has only increased by 0.5% between January 2005 and the end of January 2006, according the Unedic, temporary work market is well.

A market shared by 3 main competitors

In France, 3 actors share the market of acting which reached $ 18.4 billion in 2004. In the foreground are Adecco, Manpower, Randstad focus to them only 70% of the activity turnover.
Adecco and Manpower have realized respectively 4.3 and 4.2 billion Euros of turnover during 2004. But, even if Adia isn’t mentioned, the gap will be thin. Indeed the number four in France belongs to the Adecco group. In 1996, Adia merged with Ecco and has created the Adecco company. Adia kept own identity and realized, in 2004, a turnover of 1.5 billion euros. Nowadays, at these two, Adia and Adecco are totalizing 29% of the market, more than 5.8 billion of turnover in France, 1.560 agencies and 6.400 permanent employees.


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